Ilya Leonov

Empire State of Mind

You can now order a copy of my new photography book «Empire State of Mind». Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

The «Empire State of Mind» comprises photos from my travels around the Southern Caucasus and Asia Minor between 2022 and 2023. During this trip, I went through an existential crisis, questioning why the beauty surrounding me has to eventually die and trying to find meaning in waking up each day. Visiting some of the oldest countries and cities on the planet, being surrounded by thousands of years of history, I couldn't believe it was all for nothing. The trip eventually ended while I was working on this book.

It wasn't until I returned home from my almost year-long journey and started working on this book that it slowly started making sense to me. I started appreciating the beauty and life around me while I can, which, I believe, is the theme that unites each page of this book and makes it complete.

Shot entirely on 35mm film.




«Stained» was my first complete work as an amateur photographer. It documents London's modern hardcore punk scene in my two favorite venues (favorite mostly due to their location): New Cross Inn and the now-deceased DSI Studio.
The photos were taken between August and December 2019, which at the time, I considered the happiest year of my life.



I Love You All (2019)

I still find this video extremely romantic and cannot understand how I could've been such a cutie.


